BYO Modem – TP-Link VR300 (HFC, FTTP, FTTC, & FW)

Step 1 – Reset your modem

Before you can set your modem up with your new Moose Mobile NBN settings you will need to a reset of the modem. To do this, use a pin to push the button in the small Reset hole on the back of your modem. Hold down this Reset button for ten seconds to restore your modem’s settings to factory default.

Step 2 – Connect to your modem via Wi-Fi or Ethernet

Ensure that Wi-Fi is enabled on the device you are using to access your modem (e.g. computer/laptop/smartphone/tablet). If you are using a smartphone or tablet, you should turn off your mobile data connectivity or any hotspot connection during this process.

Connect to the Wi-Fi/Wireless network of the TP-Link VR300 on your computer/laptop/smartphone/tablet. To connect to the Wi-Fi network of the modem, locate the Wi-Fi network name being broadcast by the modem from your device (e.g. computer/laptop), select this network, then enter the password for this network when prompted.

If you are unsure of the Wi-Fi password, this will be printed on the bottom of the TP-Link VR300 modem.


Alternatively, you can plug in an RJ-45 Ethernet cable from your computer or laptop to one of the four (4) yellow LAN ports on the back of the TP-Link VR300.

Step 2 – Log into your modem

Open your web browser (e.g. Google Chrome/Internet Explorer/Mozilla Firefox/Microsoft Edge), enter into the address bar and press Enter.

If this doesn’t work, you can also try and enter the following: or

If successful, a login box or window should appear asking for a username and password.

Enter admin in the Username field

Enter admin in the Password field

Then press the Let’s Get Started button to continue

If this doesn’t work, you have not correctly reset your password. Please attempts step 1 again.

Step 3 – Enter the Moose PPPOE settings into your modem

On the first screen after logging in you will have to set your region and time zone. Set your region to Australia and your time zone to your location. Then click Next.

Now you are able to navigate to the Advanced tab at the top of the page.

Click on the Operation Mode option on the left of the screen. Select the Wireless Router Mode option and then click the Save button.

A menu will appear. Click on Yes to continue.

At this point your modem will reboot. Let the rebooting process complete. This might take a few minutes.

Once your modem has rebooted it will prompt you for a password again. Type admin and then press the Log in button.

Finally, navigate to the Basic tab at the top of the page and input the following settings.

Make sure the VLAN Tag option is not enabled (leave the tick box blank).

Make sure the Connection Type field is set to PPPoE.

Your username will be your Moose Mobile account number followed by (e.g. [email protected]). Type this in to the Username field. This username was sent to you in your NBN welcome email. If you can’t find it, please call us on 1300 566 673 for assistance.

Your password will be the word “moose” followed by your year of birth (e.g. moose1985). Type this in to the Password field.

Click Save. Once these settings have been applied you can exit out of your browser.

Step 4 – Plug your modem into your NBN connection device

You now need to plug your TP-Link Archer VR1600v modem into your NBN device using an RJ-45 Ethernet cable.

Your NBN connection device will vary depending on what kind of connection you have. Fixed Wireless and FTTP connections have a box on the wall. HFC has a small vertical black box. FTTC has a small flat white box.

One end of the Ethernet cable needs to be plugged into the yellow port labelled LAN4/WAN on the back of the modem and the other end into the active port on your NBN device – this will either be a numbered UNI-D port (such as UNI-D 1, UNI-D 2 etc.) or a GATEWAY port.

If you have UNI-D ports, try UNI-D Port 1 first, and then work your way through them if the first port doesn’t successfully connect you to the internet.

If you have configured and plugged in your modem correctly, the Internet light on the front of your modem should illuminate. This may take up to five (5) minutes.

If the Internet light does not illuminate after five (5) minutes, please contact us on 1300 566 673 for further troubleshooting.